Sunday, November 27, 2011

E07: Progress Update


Progress Update

/start info

We're still looking for parts, but all we need is (1) basic input (more IR sensors) and (2) output (more servo motors). Were looking for motors capable of more than a 180 degree range (limited to 90 degree rotations from the default starting position).

Also, we've been laser-cutting all of our parts for our models up until now, but we're currently looking into 3D-printing hard plastic parts.

Parts Shopping:

(Prices aren't too bad but the selection is tailored to our needs.)

Mouser Electronics:
(Also, if you find a part number, these guys can be good.)

*Thanks & Credits to Cyrus for the shopping tips!

Hobby People:
A local shop that sells affordable servo motors

*Thanks to Calvin for the additional tip!

Model Photos:

Test Setup:

1) First IR sensor (bottom right) trips multi-rotation loop.
(green LED indicates the first sensor's rotation cycle)
2) Second IR sensor (bottom middle) zeros out rotation to default position.
(white hi-power LED indicates the second sensor's trip status)

Test Code:

#include <Servo.h> // import servo motor’s functions
Servo myservo; // create servo-object
void setup() {
pinMode(2, INPUT); // 2nd IR sensor
pinMode(6, OUTPUT); // hi-power LED
pinMode(3, INPUT); // switch throughput -- piggyback 1st IR sensor
pinMode(4, OUTPUT);// greed LED (set the digital pin 4 as an output)
myservo.attach(9); // assign pin 9 for servo motor
void loop() {
// using “if” function to check sensor's value
if(digitalRead(3)==HIGH) {
myservo.write(50); // signal should be between 0-179 (+/- 175 max position) (93 is zero position)
if(digitalRead(2)==HIGH) {
digitalWrite(6,HIGH); // added
delay(200); // added
digitalWrite(6,LOW); // added

/end info

Development Team:

Team Blog:
Organic Automation (

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

E06: Project Prototype


Project Development

Work in progress...

/start info

Big Idea:

Skin system which responds to users -- changing opacity/transparency -- via IR, RFID or other input device. Possibility of communicating information to/from internet source (ie: Twitter updates).

Concept Sketch:

/end info

Development Team:

Team Blog:
Organic Automation (

Sunday, November 6, 2011

E05: Arduino Development


Arduino Guides and Projects

Time to translate this project into a working prototype, so we're looking into some books and projects to give us an idea of what we will be able to do.
/start info


30 Arduino Projects for the Evil Genius (McGraw Hill): description goes here.

Arduino Robotics (Apress): description goes here.

Beginning Arduino (Apress): description goes here.

Beginning Arduino Programming (Apress): description goes here.

Practical Arduino: Cool Projects for Open Source Hardware (Apress): description goes here.

Make: Arduino Bots and Gadgets (O'Reilly): description goes here.

Make Projects: Getting Started with Arduino (O'Reilly): description goes here.


RFID Reader
Application: possibility of reading RFID chips on passers-by -- display a greeting or respond with specific info.
Parts: (1x) ID-12 RFID Reader, (1x) ID-12 Breakout Board, (1x) Current Limiting Resistor, (1x) 5mm LED, (4x+) 125KHz RFID tags or cards
Source: Beginning Arduino (Apress), Chapter 16

Communicating over Ethernet
Application: possibility of reading/writing to and/or from internet-based source -- Twitter updates from collected data, or interpretation of gathered data
Parts: (1x) Arduino Ethernet Shield, (2x) DS18B20 Temperature Sensors, (1x) 4.7K ohm Resistor

/end info

Development Team:

Team Blog:
Organic Automation (

Friday, October 14, 2011

E04: Birthday Update


Birthday Update

Today marks not only the birth of a new update, but the birth-day anniversary of ODDiTECTURE blogger KP.
So, what better way to celebrate a special event than by siting behind a warm computer and updating the blog with more useful info.

Anyway, for this special occasion we've decided to add a little more narrative to the blog to give it more of a human element -- so sit back, relax and enjoy the reading experience.

/start info

Looking further into the assignment, we begin to understand more clearly the intent of the previous excercises -- and class as a whole. Starting with (E01: Biomimetic Process) case studies on natural organisms & their functional processes (ie: growth/adaptation/reconfiguration/etc.), what their mechanisms are & how they are generatred -- moving on to (E02: Mechanical Motions and Kinetic Design) kinetic study models -- then (E03: Concept Development) on how we can utilize such knowledge to meet our own ends, as in architectural application.

The idea of Growth constantly popped up in work-sessions, but we thought it more appropriate to focus on Expansion and Movment as a means of understanding what we were really after. When working with robotics, it is difficult to justify the use of the term 'growth', as nothing really grows in/from mechanical-electronic structures -- rather, forms are 'built by' or aided in their construction process -- they are generated. This is the limit & bounds of robotics, alone -- and where one ends another begins or continues in combination to create a hybrid -- with the introduction of genetics, nanotechnology/bionanotechnology, the possibilities seem boundless.

As one publication suggests, "The title [The End of Robotics in Architecture (as we almost got to know it)] is not meant to suggest that we are wasting our time with current research in  architectural robotics but that possibilities in interactive architecture from the vantage point of a biological paradigm make the mechanical paradigm seem dated" -- (UbiComp 2009, Michael Fox).

Concept (new): Skin-Generating Petal-Feeder

Problem: Need for rule-based, motor-driven & electronically-controlled (Arduino) skin generator

Solution / Design Intent: Using a mechanical motor as a means for Generation, combined with a feeding mechanism that Moves the 'feed' or 'petals' (smaller components of a larger system or 'skin') to simulate Growth through the spreading out & Expansion of such connected 'petal' modules via a spitting, weaver mechanism.

'Win': Creation of an interesting skin, the design of which will be dictated by the energy output of the motor (by the centrifugal force that the motor creates) and manipulation of the weaver mechanism.

Notes to Self: Needs more work (much more work) -- Maybe a different direction (what seems to be, in essense, another pipe-bender could benefit from some more critical thought) -- Sketch is crappy (very crappy)

/end info
Concept Sketch:

Development Team:

Team Blog:
Organic Automation (

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

E03: Concept Development & Working Model


Concept Development & Working Model

Concept: Carbon-Collecting & Shading System (Building Facade/Skin)
Mechanism(s): Retraction 'muscle' (strings connected to end of spring, collected to spool via motor) -- spring expands into fully-deployed, default position, upon release of retraction muscle
Function(s): Carbon Collection & Shading System
Generation/Procedure: System of modules -- each module contains a matrix of 'carbon feeders' -- 'feeders' (in a single module) collectively contract & expand upon activation of 'parent' module --expanding & contracting of 'feeder petals' collect carbon, depositing into interior carbon-collection cavity -- 'petals' are designed for maximal surface area & minimal space occupancy -
**Possibility for Solar Energy Collection**
System Limit(s): Surface area of building envelope -- other limits may exist, depending on development of system & modules

Applicability: Urban center pollution reduction -- applied as ground level facade system to capture & collect maximal amount of carbon emissions produced by street-level traffic. Provides shading & privacy mechanism
**Possibility for dynamic interaction with interior and/or exterior pedestrian traffic**

Concept Diagram:
coming soon...

Photo Documentation:
(Stage 1: Overview of single module in expanded state)
(Stage 2: Close-up of module, matrix of cells w/ 'feeders', all expanded)
(Stage 3: Single 'feeder' cell/unit, within matrix, expanded)
(Stage 4: Detail of single 'feeder' in expanded state)
(Stage 5: Detail of single 'feeder' in contracted state)

Video Documentation:
(Stage 1: showing...)

Development Team:

Team Blog:
Organic Automation (

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

E02: Mechanical Motions and Kinetic Design


Case Study to Working Concept

Concept: Collapsible Tree
Mechanism: Retraction muscle & Joints paired with Flexible shading system (solar panels)
Function: Shade & Solar Energy Collection
Generation: Contracting/Expansion of 'muscles' (line/wire) w/
System Limits: Number & Length of Joints
Applicability: Shading system (faux tree) -- paired with solar array & sensor system to automatically expand (to shade from intense solar energy) and contract (when not receiving necessary solar energy)

Concept Diagram:

Photo Documentation:
(Stage 1: showing...)
(Stage 2: showing...)
(Stage 3: showing...)
(Stage 4: showing...)

Video Documentation:
(Stage 1: showing...)

Development Team:

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

E01: Biomimetic Process (Growth and Adaptability)


Mechanical Expansion & Architectural Applicability

Case Study: Bryozoa

Mechanism: Retraction muscle
Function: Organism feeding & protection
Generation: Contracting/Expansion of muscle
System Limits: Surface area of environment
Applicability: Shading system -- paired with solar array & sensor system to automatically expand (to shade from intense solar energy) and contract (when not receiving necessary solar energy)

(Source: / bryozo-2.pdf)
(More Info:

Case Study: Snake

Mechanism: Protective Skin/Shell
Function: Organism homeostasis -- water protection & retention
Generation: Hardening of external material, shed by contraction and expansion of internal (muscle) system -- using form (positive) to create a shell (negative
System Limits: Exterior surface area of generator
Applicability: Skin system -- formed via hardening agent excreted through pores of a dynamic (solid) form to create dynamic shell forms (to encase void)


(More Info: